Return to WoW Giveaway!

That’s right… I’m back.  I’ve been back for about two weeks now and I’m still managing to control my IRL v. WoW time.

You might remember that I deleted EVERYTHING when I quit (piece by piece).  They were able to restore Xeonio but he was nekid (that’s how he was when I deleted him).  They were then able to restore about 10 items.  I got my bags and my trinkets but was pretty S.O.L. after that.

Luckily for me my guildies really pitched in and helped to get me back up into ship shape condition.

I bought some stuff with my justice points and guildies bought stuff off the A.H.  By the end of the evening I was in Firelands getting my first Ragnaros kill.

It was pretty hot.

But you aren’t here to read about my return are you?  I can already see your eyes skimming past this to the end to read about the give away.

A picture of the card.

Here it is.

Contest Rules:

Reply to this thread with a haiku about WoW.

What do you mean you can’t write a haiku?  Fine, I’ll let you slide.  Gimme a poem, or a song, or a lymric or even a lil’ diddy about WoW.  The more creative the better.  You could do an MS paint if you wanted (I can even host the image if you want to email it to

The contest will end at 11:59 pm, Oct. 23rd.


I have three purple puffers to give out.  They are a noncombat pet from the newest WoW TCG set.  They are a puffer fish floating in a globe of water.  Not sure what special things it does or anything like that, haven’t seen one yet (because they won’t be ingame until patch 4.3).


If you reply make sure you put in your email address (I think you can put it in w/o putting in a name if you still want to stay anonymous).  If you don’t gimme an email though, I can’t give you your prize!

Tashira and her Lil' XT, won in a previous give away.

Transmogrification & Armor Looks (for everyone)

I know… the title of the post is silly long but I wanted it to be informative.

Screw you!

Anyway…  For along time I wanted the ability to look like something different in WoW.  I would often wear items that weren’t as good as stuff I had just because I hated what it would do to my look.

Then I went and quit WoW.

So they went and added in transmogrification.  This is one of those changes that could drag my ass kicking and screaming back to the game.  Granted, I deleted my priest and made sure I sold every item or destroyed it but I could bug Marisse and she’d be up for farming every zone until we got our old gear.

“Visiting a Transmogrifier will present players with a new interface that will allow them to change the appearance of an item while retaining its original stats. “

I know the items you change it into has to be something you’d be able to wear (so I couldn’t don my seksy priest Xeonio with an awesome warrior set /sad panda).  You also can’t change the armor type.  I couldn’t change my cloth robes into a plate chest or vice versa.

It’s about time though and it’s an AWESOME change.  I’m not sure of the cost but I’d probably be in a different outfit for every raid.

Jeezy Creezy, I just realized I can wear other classes cloth sets.  EVERYONE is going to look like a warlock.  This change will make pvp a helluva lot more awesome though.  No identifying what people are by what they are wearing.

It’s changes like this that really get my goat going.

One thing I’ve noticed about this announcement is the fact that some of my old posts about tier gear have been skyrocketing in popularity.  I think that’s due to peeps looking for pics to see what they have to track down.

Here’s some helpful links…

Priest Tier 1 – 11
Druid Tier 1 – 11

I also remembered that WoW Wiki has several pictures for sets so I’ve decided to borrow those images (all images below this point are from WoW Wiki).  I’ve decided to present them in a simple format with just the class name and a link to each picture.  I’d prefer to have them all load in a smaller format but there would be a FUCKTON of images so I think this is probably the easiest way.

Warrior Sets
Tier | PvP | Faction | Dungeon | Arena | UN

Druid Sets
Tier | PvP | Faction | Dungeon | Arena | UN

Paladin Sets
Tier | PvP | Faction | Dungeon | Arena | UN

Priest Sets
Tier | PvP | Faction | Dungeon | Arena | UN

Rogue Sets
Tier | PvP | Faction | Dungeon | Arena | UN

Warlock Sets
Tier | PvP | Faction | Dungeon | Arena | UN

Shaman Sets
Tier | PvP | Faction | Dungeon | Arena | UN

Mage Sets
Tier | PvP | Faction | Dungeon | Arena | UN

Death Knight Sets
Uhhh… yea…
PvP’ish | T7 | T8 | T9 | T10

Hunter Sets
Tier | PvP | Faction | Dungeon | Arena | UN

WoW… it’s over.

World of Warcraft that is… not the blog.  I’ve been trying to figure out what to even post in terms of WoW but couldn’t muster any tangible ideas.

I guess it started as soon as I decided to come back to WoW.  I wanted control of the guild I birthed and regardless of the ego behind the statement, the guild I created.  The guy I called my friend didn’t want to relinquish that control back to me though.

At the time I was pretty pissed off.  What right did he have to keep something that was rightfully mine?  But let’s face it, it wasn’t like I was gone for a few weeks or on a temporary vacation.  I left with every intention of never returning and 6 months later, I had no right to ask for it back.  I should have been happy with the position I was offered, upper-tier officer leading the raids (the part I enjoyed the most).

Problem is I’m a bit… what’s the word for someone who is unable to follow and has to have it their way?  Smartest man alive?  Amazing?  I’m sure it’s one of those.  So instead of doing what I should have done I left guild and took with me a small chunk of the oldies with me, forming my own guild.  The plan was to start a 10man and run it as best we could.

We did pretty good for awhile but there are some serious issues with WoW now when it comes to small guilds / raid groups that ARE interested in guild achievements, levels, all that jazz.

Anyway, the problems began to become bigger and I got more bored with the game.  People were looking in different directions and I decided that if I was going to quit I couldn’t just abandon these people, especially the more casual ones who had followed me over.

When I left Relentless I vowed to myself not to poach from their ranks, anyone who wanted to follow did so because they talked to me and I stuck to that plan.  Didn’t burn any bridges and that paid off because that’s where I turned to to merge my new guild into.

We merged back into Relentless a week or so ago and then my only plan was to help everyone get their phoenix (guild achievement) before I quit… that didn’t happen though.  You take a 10 man group and subtract 30% from it and it won’t get a whole lot of things done on progression.

Ugh this is starting to get long… so fast forward and I canceled my account.  Stupid account also has my Starcraft 2 so I can’t sell it which is the suck.  Even if I could get just like $20 I’d be happy but oh well.  To those that are still playing awesome, I’m glad you can enjoy the game and hope you continue to.

The blogging will continue though!

3:32 A M, Xeonio is in the bedroom.

I used to chat all the time with an ingame friend of mine Talloolah a few years ago.  She was always a casual though but had a great spirit and was a hoot to talk to.  She quit logging in but every once in awhile someone asks about her and I’ve never known what she was up to.  I found out today that she’s been battling breast cancer for the last year but things are looking on the up and up.  If you pray or sacrifice things or just send good energy in someones direction, please send a bit to her.

I wish you the best my beautiful kitty druid!

Sidenote: Totally realized I failed at publishing this last night before I went to bed… sleep deprivation is the suck.  If you’ve watched Big Brother from England reread the title in THAT voice.  It makes much more sense.  Found a video, thanks Bets!

If you are reading this then (fingers crossed) I’m in bed.  Earlier today the first steps of the Cataclysm expansion hit the shores of WoW and people everywhere went giddy with anticipation.  A massive revamp of the old world has brought people out in alts and mains alike by the thousands.

Betsy and Den are coming back to the game so I figured I’d level with Betsy, especially now that I can make a dwarf warlock.  We started up a new toon each and thanks to the recruit a friends +300% xp we were almost level 20 in a matter of 4hrs.  Absolutely sick.

I hadn’t realized just how much they were going to redo everything.  It’s amazing all the stuff that has changed, even the starting areas!  The quest flow is absolutely amazing.  As you can see from the pic to the right even the starting quests armors have been changed and graphically updated a bit.

The Dwarlock refers to himself in the 3rd person and has taken great steps to have an evil-stache.  Dwarlock also does not tolerate insolence or disobedience!

Anyway, I’m loving the warlock.  I’ve respec’d once already lol.  I tried demonology and its a bit crazy to have a felguard at lvl 10.  He just eats the shit out of things.  Betsy is going mage though so I’m not sure if being Affi will work so well with the leveling since she just nukes the fuck out of everything.  I might go to destro and try it out.

Not gonna use the heirlooms either since we are leveling together plus it’ll give me a chance to experience the new looks of the gear so will definitely be taking screenshots.

I also took the time to get my race change in.

That’s right.

Mother fucking dwarf shaman.

How sick is (s)he?  Zeonio was originally a smurf female (cuz I hated the bulk of the males).  She got a sex change and a height reduction plus a few weeks in a gym.  Now (s)he’s a stout beer drinking testosterone driven killing machine!

I’ve been working on his enhance gear for leveling and it’s turning out pretty good so I’m excited to level with him… after my priest hits 80.  Will try to get a raid in on him before Cata so I can see how it feels with the new look.  It’s crazy how much more you want to play a toon when you don’t hate the way they look.

Big Talent Changes?

I’m strolling around the house this morning, bundled up like an eskimo (cuz I’m too cheap to turn on the heater) with my cup of hateraide and I boot up the comp.  Head on over to World of Raids where they have this article posted.  Let me quote the important part…

Zarhym dropped by and provided a few extra tidbits for us, too.  There are more class balance changes coming that should hopefully tide us over until we can get to 85.  Some of them are so dramatic that druids, paladins, priests, and shaman will have their talent trees reset.

I was like… what what?!  Sweeping talent changes… enough so that we get a free refund?

I’m not sure if they are talking about the changes that have already been made, which don’t seem so drastic we need a talent refund OR if they are talking about something so new and outlandish it will shatter our friggin’ minds!

Here’s where I start hoping and praying they get rid of the smite to heal to regen mana component (cuz I srsly fucking h8 it).

As a side note you might want to check your bind spot this coming Monday night.  When the world shatters its taking the Dalaran portals with it.  No one wants to get stuck in the frigid north trying to get home.  You will also want to stop eating out for a week so you can pay for that race change (or 6) for your alts so you don’t have to level up all over again.  That might not be a bad thing though since it looks like you are going to have some time before the xpac to explore the strange new world!

Anyone else giddy as a school girl on her first date?