WoW… it’s over.

World of Warcraft that is… not the blog.  I’ve been trying to figure out what to even post in terms of WoW but couldn’t muster any tangible ideas.

I guess it started as soon as I decided to come back to WoW.  I wanted control of the guild I birthed and regardless of the ego behind the statement, the guild I created.  The guy I called my friend didn’t want to relinquish that control back to me though.

At the time I was pretty pissed off.  What right did he have to keep something that was rightfully mine?  But let’s face it, it wasn’t like I was gone for a few weeks or on a temporary vacation.  I left with every intention of never returning and 6 months later, I had no right to ask for it back.  I should have been happy with the position I was offered, upper-tier officer leading the raids (the part I enjoyed the most).

Problem is I’m a bit… what’s the word for someone who is unable to follow and has to have it their way?  Smartest man alive?  Amazing?  I’m sure it’s one of those.  So instead of doing what I should have done I left guild and took with me a small chunk of the oldies with me, forming my own guild.  The plan was to start a 10man and run it as best we could.

We did pretty good for awhile but there are some serious issues with WoW now when it comes to small guilds / raid groups that ARE interested in guild achievements, levels, all that jazz.

Anyway, the problems began to become bigger and I got more bored with the game.  People were looking in different directions and I decided that if I was going to quit I couldn’t just abandon these people, especially the more casual ones who had followed me over.

When I left Relentless I vowed to myself not to poach from their ranks, anyone who wanted to follow did so because they talked to me and I stuck to that plan.  Didn’t burn any bridges and that paid off because that’s where I turned to to merge my new guild into.

We merged back into Relentless a week or so ago and then my only plan was to help everyone get their phoenix (guild achievement) before I quit… that didn’t happen though.  You take a 10 man group and subtract 30% from it and it won’t get a whole lot of things done on progression.

Ugh this is starting to get long… so fast forward and I canceled my account.  Stupid account also has my Starcraft 2 so I can’t sell it which is the suck.  Even if I could get just like $20 I’d be happy but oh well.  To those that are still playing awesome, I’m glad you can enjoy the game and hope you continue to.

The blogging will continue though!

When Boy Meets Ice

Simple story really.

Boy steps on icy steps that resemble a ramp with speed bumps.

Boys right foot slips out from under him causing him to fall to his left and roll down stairs.

Boys fall is broken by head + railing.

Boy lays in the snow screaming like a lunatic (doesn’t recall blacking out).

Boy calls friend who points out that he should put ice on new swelling head wound.

Friends note boy could have just stayed laying face down in snow to prevent swelling.

Thank you friends.

These Three Colors

What do these 3 colors have in common?

If you said they are pastel, you would be wrong!

If you said an clown, you would be wrong!

If you said what comes out of an easter bunny, you would be wrong!






If you said penis’ or things that go bzzzz you would be close!

They make up the back ground colors for my new display.

Trying to decide WHAT to do was the toughest part of this.  I had originally decided to do something with big flowers and butterflies (because some of the product, Evolved, has them on it).  The problem is that not all of them do.

A big theme on the packaging is tribal though.  I tried a few designs for doing something tribal and nothing quite worked out so I decided I’d just do horizontal stripes.  I’d vary the width so it would add some visual element but would still be extremely easy to do.

Then I realized that making an 8 foot straight line via my eye ball was about as practical as clipping your toenails with a chain saw.

That’s when this idea came across.  I figured I’d just do it collage-like and laid down the tape in semi straight lines.

My employee thought the green paint we have along our back wall would go well with the overall scheme by going around the outside, giving it a slight border to help contain the color-splooge so I dry brushed it around the outside.

I was really surprised how the blue tape makes the colors look extremely day-glow.

It took forever to paint this stupid thing.  The green went on without a hitch, one coat.  The purple took 2 coats and the pink… I quit painting it after the 4th fucking coat.

It came out better than I had expected.  It looks a lot like stained glass and the green gave it an amazing border.  The pink and purple get along very well with each other and I don’t feel like they are fighting for the spot light.  It’s tough to tell but our walls are actually beige.

The vibes went up…

After I put it up I realized that I was slightly off on the measurements and most of the display part of the wall is actually covered up.  It’s certainly not bad though, the hints of pink and purple peeking through are definitely an eye catcher against the rest of the store (which is beige, brown, and cream).

It’s nice to exercise my creativity.  I’m pretty happy with it overall and I’ll just make sure I enlarge the design a bit more next time so it helps to frame the display instead of just playing backdrop to it.

MiniMap Monday


Since I started blogging I started reading a lot of other blogs (I know, imagine that). I get a chance to see a lot of awesome posts this way and I thought the drudgery of Monday’s would be a great way share those posts and other interesting things that I stumble upon with you.

Each Monday I’ll be bringing you a Mini Map (thx Linaa!) of things I came across last week. Anything that isn’t work safe is denoted as such [NSFW]. If you come across anything you think is awesome and should be included in a Mini Map Monday then feel free to email me at

Thanks all, I hope you enjoy them.

FNCCC Week 12:  We are taking a break this week so have fun!

1.  I’ve always loved when you see a robber get attacked.  When they get a dose of their own medicine.  This just goes to show you that you shouldn’t fuck with someones Nintendo DS.

2.  This link is to Urban Dictionary and better explains the picture if you don’t understand it.

3.  The top 50 movies from the 2000’s.

4.  To follow up the top 50 movies you need a list of movies that would have only been made better with bacon.

5.  Awwwwwww!

6.  I’m sure everyone knows the infamous Westboro Baptist Church.  Speaking of them conjures images of insanity and zealotry similar to nazis.  Seriously… how fucking crazy do you have to be when the Klu Klux Klan has a disclaimer saying, “The Ku Klux Klan, LLC. has not or EVER will have ANY connection with The “Westboro Baptist Church”. We absolutely repudiate their activities.”  They show up at all sorts of events and picket them for one reason or another.  The top 7 craziest pickets they’ve ever done.

I’ve got a bunch of Youtube videos this week.

7.  First we have a WoW one.  You should recognize these places, at least for a few more months.

8.  Christina Aguilera has an amazing voice.  Sometimes she drags it through the mud doing something electronic to it or just singing very poppy. Her Beautiful video was great but it really helped to showcase her voice.  Her new ballad is amazing.

9.  Just in case you have some random chemistry components laying around you could make your own glowsticks.  I wonder if this stuff comes in those little kits kids get?

10.  I get to do my blog from work and watch TV when I don’t have customers but I envy this guy.

Prop 8 Declared Unconstitutional

For those not in the know…

Proposition 8 (or the California Marriage Protection Act) was a ballot proposition and constitutional amendment passed in the November 2008, state elections. The measure added a new provision, Section 7.5 of the Declaration of Rights, to the California Constitution, which provides that “only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.”

You can click Proposition 8 for a link to the Wikipedia information posted.  It’ll give you a nice history of what’s been going on.

Prop 8 was passed of course and immediately it went to court on the basis of being unconstitutional.


The judge ruled it unconstitutional.

It’s a big step for GLBT rights in America.

Judge Walker’s ruling,

Proposition 8 fails to advance any rational basis in singling out gay men and lesbians for denial of a marriage license. Indeed the evidence shows Proposition 8 does nothing more than enshrine in the California constitution the notion that opposite sex couples are superior to same sex couples. talks about this step in GLBT rights and how it certainly isn’t over yet.

It is virtually certain the ruling will be appealed to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.  Among the federal circuits, the 9th is one of the more liberal, so it is likely Walker’s ruling will be upheld there and then go on to the Supreme Court. With the current conservative bent of the U.S. Supreme Court it is anybody’s guess what will happen there.

Judy Shepard, a huge advocate for gay rights after her son Matthew Shepard was beaten, tortured, and tied to a fence and left for dead in Laramie, Wyoming back in October of ’98… because he was gay.

After Matt came out to me, he once asked me if I thought gay couples would ever be allowed to get married. I told him I didn’t think it would happen in my lifetime, but it probably would in his. It’s so sad, and ironic, that it turned out the other way. But this case warms my heart, to think that his dream is still coming true.

I try to stay clear of politics and social issues here this is an issue close to my heart and I want to declare my support for No On Prop 8.

Additional Links:

AfterElton – Ruling issues in Prop 8 Court Challenge

Gizmodo – The Tech Companies That Helped Fight Prop 8

Gawker – California Proposition 8 Ruled Unconstitutional, Overturned

Advocate – Proposition 8 Overturned
Advocate also has several interviews with celebrities and their opinions on Prop 8.